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Hygiene Innovation

Developing hand-washing soap solutions since its foundation, we deliver the know-how on preventive hygiene cultivated in Japan to customers worldwide. Be it influenza, norovirus or food poisoning, we provide you the countermeasures to protect both your team and clients in easy, convenient ways.

Saraya offers products and services that are easy to use, convenient and effective

Infectious Disease Control

Infectious disease epidemics are significantly changing due to changes in social behavior, increases in the global population and the spreading of international exchanges through more efficient transportation. More than ever, strict measures are required to anticipate the spread of infectious diseases that can hinder social and corporate activities, with prevention becoming key to avoiding future complications. In order to reduce those risks on a daily basis and prepare for them, SARAYA offers products and services that are easy to use, convenient and effective, providing you all the information and infectious disease control you will need.

Hand Washing and Gargling for Infection Control

In order to protect your staff and company from infectious diseases, hand washing and gargling are greats first steps, but shouldn't be the last ones. To ensure thorough protection, SARAYA provides you the tools to make hand washing easy, like our automatic handwashing and sanitizing basin WS-3000F, together with the essential training your employees will need. By complementing it with our gargling solutions which disinfects your mouth, one of the main ways for infection to enter your body, you will have already built your first line of defense against contaminations.

Infection and Prevention Information

They say knowing is half the battle. Our trained staff will show you how you can improve your infection prevention strategy, providing you facility checks, staff instructing and support based on years of experience.

Saraya provides “food safety and security” by providing the required information, products and services necessary for an effective site hygiene management

Food Sanitation

Food is indispensable for us humans. With globalization and the spread of foods, be it raw materials or processed foods, having a safe and reliable food supply has become one of the most important initiatives a company needs to provide in order to become a trusted and successful member of society. Based on many years of experience cultivated over decades of laboratory research and support of food providers, SARAYA provides “food safety and security” as a food hygiene partner, delivering the required information, products and services necessary for an effective site hygiene management.

Smart San

The Smart San system, available worldwide, contains cleaning solutions and tools based on our Saraya system in Japan, providing you a complete cleaning experience complemented with guidance in food sanitation,  personal hygiene, environmental cleaning and disinfection. Liquids, manuals, dispensers and educational services are provided to you with the Smart San line, developed from our own research with supporting industry evidence for safer food.

Check our line of Smart San Products here.

A Complete Food Hygiene Service

When working in the food business you start to understand the central part that food hygiene plays in ensuring that your clients enjoy the dishes you provide. Our solutions will help you to achieve proper cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of your facilities that get in contact with your food production chain. And our involvement is not limited to delivering products and information – our food hygiene instructors provide group education, create cleaning manuals, and conduct hygiene surveys over the years you will work with us.

Food Hygiene Information

When working in the food business you start to understand the central part that food hygiene plays in ensuring that your clients enjoy the dishes you provide. We have the tools and training that you need for proper cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of your ingredients and facilities that get in contact with your food production chain.

HACCP International Certificate

Some of SARAYA's detergents, sanitizers, and gloves have acquired HACCP Product Certification. It is a private certification system under HACCP International, an international certification body that evaluates and certifies whether facilities and equipment used in food sanitation sites that may come in contact with food meet food safety standards. A third-party certificate for SARAYA products gives confidence to food handlers about the product’s suitability and safety aspects for use in food sites.

For more details, click here.

Saraya offer amenities that provide hospitality for public facilities, hotels or your own company

Public Amenities

When you manage spaces that are visited by many people, be it public facilities, hotels or your own company, providing comfortable and convenient facilities does make the difference. We offer amenities that provide hospitality that will make an impression in your visitors.

Sanilavo dispensers

Saraya's washroom amenity design takes a modern approach to interior design with a prominent black and white pattern reminiscent of Japanese brush strokes. Both restrained and expressive, the lineup adds an elegant flare to the washroom like a flower adds life to an empty room, creating a comfortable atmosphere.

See our full lineup here. 

Hand dispensers

Manual and no-touch dispensers that are easy to install and use: simpler design with the same efficiency.

Check the products here.

Saraya provides tools and manuals for maintaining the safety and health of industrial workers

Industrial Health and Safety

Heat strokes, infectious diseases, injuries… the risks that threaten the health of workers, the most valuable resource in a company, have multiplied over the years. Measures to control and manage health risks and infectious diseases, nowadays indispensable for maintaining a business running and ensuring productivity, are a responsibility business operators need to take in order to ensure the safety and health of their workers. SARAYA supports the realization of a comfortable and prosperous work environment making sure that everyone working in your company can work in a sanitary and healthy manner.

Hand Washing for Manufacturing Workers

Hand washing not only protects the one washing its hands, but also those around him or her. Ensure that all workers in your manufacturing facility are using the correct handwashing method and that they have the facilities to do so in a convenient, comfortable way.

Hygiene Management of Facility Equipment

Working in a clean facility ensures that dirt, mold and germs will not affect the health of its workers. Ensure that your machinery is running correctly and smoothly by cleaning and sterilizing it with products specifically designed to do so. Get in touch with us for more information.

In case you need more information, please feel free to contact us.