arau. Developed for safety.

A commitment to safety

arau. does not use synthetic cleaners or surfactants - only, highly purified soap made from natural plant based coconut and palm oils.

We specially care about safety and gentleness to the skin, using high quality ingredients, with no added synthetic colors or fragrances that mask its quality.


Additive-free soap

In general, soaps are made with tap water, which can react unfavorably with minerals in the water creating calcium soaps with lower quality and effectiveness.

Common soaps contain metal ion sequestering agents, such as hydrochloric acid, to prevent reactions in the soap making process. arau., made with purified water, does not require any sequestrants, commited to an additive-free solution.

arau. is also free of synthetic petroleum-based surfactants, as well as additives such as synthetic fragrances, colors and preservatives. Gentle on the skin, with no added synthetic additives that could cause skin problems. Only the safest, most natural ingredients.


Excellent cleaning, skin-friendly

arau. has a product for every use at home. Carefully formulated to meet the needs of each user, arau. products match cleansing power and gentleness to the skin, balancing the fatty acids in coconut and palm oil to make perfect soaps for lathering and washing your whole family and house.

Be it body soap or for kitchen use, our soaps which directly contact the skin are formulated to be gentle, effectively removing dirt while reducing irritation.

Introduction to our soap process

arau. items are made with different methods of production suitable for different situation

※Some of the methods are shown below.


Scented with natural herbs, reducing raw material odors

The method which adjusts the pH of the fatty acids by breaking them down using natural citric acid.

By using citric acid, the native smell of fatty acid soap is greatly reduced, allowing for arau.'s fragrant blend of natural herbs to shine when in use. arau. still has a natural soap smell, but this process greatly reduces it from the original raw materials.

arau. Laundry Soap is also neutralized, leaving a natural fragrance of herbs and essential oils in your laundry after washing.

Real kettle cooking

For a natural
moisturizing feeling

Using kettles has been the traditional method for making soap. Starting with refining the fats and oils, we are able to make high quality soap.

Making soap in this way allows for the natural formation of glycerin, which helps moisturize the skin. One batch of soap takes longer, at least 100 hours, but the end result is worth it.

arau. Fresh Herb Soaps is made with this additive-free, traditional method, using 100% highly refined plant oils and natural herbs and plant extracts.

A bit of soap history
〜A long history with high safety levels〜

It is said that soap originated in the Roman era (about 3,000 years ago) when oil dripping from lamb roasted as a sacrifice on Mount Sapo and the ashes of firewood (alkaline ingredients) accidentally mixed together to form a mysterious soil that cleaned off dirt.

This "Sapo" is said to be the origin of the name "Soap", and we have benefited from this discovery since then. The soap we use today is basically made from the same ingredients and principles as in the past.

Times changed, and in 1928, the first synthetic detergent based on higher alcohol was introduced in Germany, and since then a variety of synthetic detergents have been developed and widely used.

We don't know what the future will depart, but what we do know that until now, as in every era, soap has been indispensable as a safe, biodegradable and natural cleaning agent.

Features of soap

For washing
Soap-derived ingredients coat the fibers, making the surface smooth and plump. It is also effective in eliminating irritation by reducing skin friction caused by clothing.
Body and face cleanser
It has high rinsing properties and leaves no cleaning ingredients on the skin, cleansing thoroughly and refreshingly. Unlike mildly acidic body washes, which are mainly composed of synthetic surfactants, this product does not leave a slimy cleaning agent on the skin.
For tableware
The high cleaning power cleans and removes oil stains from plastics. It also lathers well and rinses quickly.
Non-irritating, low lather, it allows a slow and carefull brushing of the teeth.


The Power of Natural Herbs

Each item is formulated with carefully selected natural herbs (natural essential oils and plant extracts).

For example, the laundry soap contains subtly scented lavender & spearmint, while the kitchen soap contains perilla leaf extract and aloe extract as moisturizing plant extracts, for ease of use.

Always enjoy a natural, refreshing scent of plant ingredients, that make arau. different from other brands with synthetic fragrances.

Table with natural ingredients used in arau. products.


Our natural herbs

  • Lavender

    Origin: France

    It is known for its calming effect and is said to relax the stressed out mind and body. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

  • Spearmint

    Origin: United States

    In ancient Greece, it was used as a fragrance and bathing. Its refreshing scent is well-liked, also widely used in oral care products and foods.

  • Lime
    Lime Extract

    Origin: Mexico, Caribbean Islands

    A slightly bitter citrus that is used to flavor beverages and cocktails.

    Its refreshing aroma is said to have the ability to refresh and tighten the skin.

  • Peppermint

    Origin: United States

    As an herb, it is widely used in tea and cooking, and in gardening, planting peppermint can serve as a pest control agent for other plants.

    Peppermint essential oil has a clean, refreshing aroma.

  • Geranium
    Geranium Extract

    Origin: Egypt

    First cultivated in the south of France at the beginning of the 19th century, is still widely used today as a fragrance agent in perfumes and other products.

    With an scent similar to roses, is known for its calming effect on both the mind and body, also popular as a a very feminine fragrance.

  • Shiso Leaf
    Japanese Shiso Extract

    Origin: China

    An important herb in Japan since ancient times, the shiso leaf is known for its detoxifying effect on seafood, which is why its fresh leaves are served with sashimi and other dishes. Nowadays, research into its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects have been conducted, bringing attention as an ingredient in hypoallergenic cosmetics.

  • Rosemary
    Rosemary Extract

    Origin: Morocco, Albania and Egypt

    Rosemary is widely used in cooking to flavor dishes and calm the taste of fish and meat. One legend says the Queen Isabella of Hungary regained her youth after using rosemary cosmetics. Rosemary is often found in cosmetics for its skin firming effect.

  • Chamomile
    Chamomile Extract

    Origin: Egypt

    Chamomile is widely used as an ingredient in cosmetics and tea. Hair care products also contain chamomile for its ability to add shine and gloss. It is also recommended for dry and sensitive skin.

※The country of origin of the natural herbs and plant extracts used in our products is subject to change without notice.


Environmentally Friendly

After wastewater is discharged, it is quickly decomposed by microorganisms and returned to the earth. In addition, we have obtained RSPO certification for products that use palm oil as a raw material and are working to spread the use of this certification.