We interviewed six families that come around the world to find out how new fathers and mothers in Japan spend their parenting lives! The second family is Wesley Sturman from the Netherlands and his wife Chihiro, both busy working in the IT industry.
Collaboration project between English-language media "Tokyo Weekender" and arau.baby!
Their first son, Kaito, was born in December 2021, when many restrictions influenced pregnancy and childbirth due to the pandemic. It often made the couple sad that it wasn’t possible to attend a maternity examination or take a maternity class. Chihiro was especially worried that she didn't have the opportunity to practice how to wash, hold, and breastfeed her baby, which she was supposed to learn in the maternity class. But even under such circumstances, witnessing the birth of his son filled him with joy, as Wesley happily told us.

Wesley and Chihiro found out about arau.baby products through an article in Tokyo Weekender, and they have been using them for a month. Wesley said with a laugh, "This body wash (Foam Body Soap) is life-changing!”
The arau.baby's Foam Body Soap is easy to use on both hair and body, and it became especially convenient since Kaito started enjoying his bath time. Chihiro told us that she uses Milky Lotion after giving Kaito a bath, with a nice fragrance that absorbs quickly.
You can read Wesley and Chihiro’s full story on TW. Make sure to check it out!