On 4th February, the Infection Control Seminar "CLEAN CARE IS SAFER CARE" was held in Penang, Malaysia with Professor Pittet from Geneve University Hospital by the Penang State Health Department and the Malaysia Ministry of Health.
Pulau Penang Hospital auditorium was packed with over 250 participants eager to hear Professor Didier Pittet.
Following a renewed statement pledging support for addressing healthcare-associated infections by local representatives, Professor Pittet gave three engaging presentations.

Professor Pittet made hospital ward visits to Hospital Pulau Penang and in Loh Guan Lye Hospital.
On the following day, February 5th, an Infection Prevention and Control Seminar was held in the UKM Medical Center at HUKM, The National University of Malaysia. More than 300 participants from 93 hospitals joined the seminar.
Topics regarding infection control were discussed in detail such as hand hygiene, monitoring compliance, antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship.

SARAYA and SARAYA Goodmaid Malaysia were proud to support the seminar and improving infection control and patient safety in Malaysia.