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5th of May 2022 Campaign Results

Compilation of news on the World Hand Hygiene celebration from SARAYA offices around the globe in 2022.

This is a compilation of activities dedicated to the celebration of the World Hand Hygiene campaign that took place in May all over the world. We have already shared with you news from our team in Australia and now you can read about events that SARAYA had in other countries as well!


Due to the lockdown in Shanghai, SSH couldn't have a physical event on a large scale like last year. However, many hospitals went along with this campaign and raised awareness of the importance of hand hygiene. SARAYA original campaign posters were also used during the event.

The Hulunbuir People's Hospital of Inner Mongolia made a poster about the role of hand hygiene in infection prevention! They have been using our products and drew a picture of Sanisara.

 Sanisara in a poster made by the Hulunbuir People's Hospital of Inner Mongolia.


We also received a photo from the training of healthcare workers at the temporary healthcare facility in Shanghai. In this facility, Alsoft is used for their daily hand hygiene routine.

 Training of healthcare workers at the temporary healthcare facility in Shanghai with Alsoft


On top of that, several hospitals conducted the Hand Hygiene promotion campaign, and SARAYA products appeared in their videos too!


Several hospitals conducted the Hand Hygiene promotion campaign, with SARAYA products appearing in their videos. Example 1.
Several hospitals conducted the Hand Hygiene promotion campaign, with SARAYA products appearing in their videos. Example 2.

Hong Kong

On the 5th of May 2022, Saraya Hong Kong Sales carried out 4 activities to promote hand hygiene!

They used the campaign stickers on envelopes which they use to send invoices and other documents to their customers spreading awareness about hand hygiene along with papers.

 Our campaign sticker shared in Hong Kong for the Clean Your Hands 2022 campaign.


Several copies of the new book, “Adapt to Adopt – Clean Hands Save Lives 2”, were distributed through Saraya Hong Kong clients to health care workers, especially those at endoscopy, and nursing associations. They also plan to distribute some copies to universities as a next step.

 Adopt to Adapt 2 book shared for the event.


As a new approach to hand hygiene promotion, the Shanghai team also did a cross-over program with a local coffee shop, making a special portable alcohol sanitizer for the 5th May World Hand Hygiene Day. The compact and easy-to-carry design was received very well!

The SARAYA Shanghai team shared a special portable alcohol sanitizer for the 5th May World Hand Hygiene Day. The SARAYA Shanghai team shared a special portable alcohol sanitizer for the 5th May World Hand Hygiene Day. Closeup.


On the 5th of May 2022, Saraya Kenya carried out events to promote hand hygiene at several healthcare facilities.

They visited the hospitals and conducted training sessions with the hospital staff, including the importance of hand hygiene, SARAYA products training and hand hygiene procedures.


Saraya Kenya carried out events to promote hand hygiene at several healthcare facilities. Photo 1.
Saraya Kenya carried out events to promote hand hygiene at several healthcare facilities. Photo 2.


During the session, the SKE team handed SARAYA original campaign tools such as file folders for healthcare workers to raise awareness of the importance of hand hygiene.


For two long years schools in Uganda were closed because of Covid and this year they finally welcomed the students back. Saraya Uganda had a promotional event at a local supermarket with sanitizers. Hopefully, nothing again will prevent children from studying.

araya Uganda had a promotional event at a local supermarket with sanitizers 

Joining the 5th of May campaign, SMU also organized an event where they had an event where people could learn about the importance of hand hygiene in infection prevention, visited by representatives from local hospitals, WHO, and the Ministry of Health.

 Event organized by Saraya Uganda to learn about the importance of hand hygiene.


We were excited to receive so much news and learn that many people could celebrate the importance of hand hygiene this year. SARAYA wasn’t the only one to join 5th of May - many other countries, hospitals and organizations participated and we are grateful that some of them used our products in their promotional videos. We will be looking forward to next year’s campaign and hope that there will be fewer limitations next time!